Can I Replace My Dentures With Dental Implants?

Reviewed by: Dr. Martha (Periodontist), Dr. Pierre (Prosthodontist)

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Written By Dr. Andrew

Dr. Andrew is a leading dental implant specialist (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon) celebrated for his precision and patient-centric approach. He's a trusted name in advanced dentistry with a track record of successful procedures and a commitment to the latest techniques.

Dentures have long been a popular option for replacing missing teeth. However, with advancements in dental technology, dental implants have emerged as a more permanent and natural-looking alternative. This article explores the possibility of replacing dentures with dental implants, discussing the benefits, considerations, and potential limitations of this treatment option.

Benefits of Replacing Dentures with Dental Implants

Dentures have long been a popular solution for people with missing teeth. They provide a functional and aesthetic replacement for natural teeth, allowing individuals to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. However, dentures also come with their fair share of challenges and drawbacks. Many denture wearers struggle with issues such as discomfort, difficulty eating certain foods, and the constant need for adjustments and repairs. If you are a denture wearer who is tired of these challenges, you may be wondering if there is a better alternative. The good news is that dental implants offer a number of benefits that make them a great option for replacing dentures.

One of the most significant benefits of dental implants is their stability and durability. Unlike dentures, which sit on top of the gums and rely on adhesive or suction to stay in place, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone. This provides a strong foundation for replacement teeth, ensuring that they stay securely in place. With dental implants, you can eat, speak, and laugh without worrying about your teeth slipping or falling out.

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Another advantage of dental implants is their ability to preserve bone health. When a tooth is lost, the underlying jawbone begins to deteriorate over time. This can lead to a sunken appearance in the face and further tooth loss. Dentures do not address this issue, as they simply rest on top of the gums. In contrast, dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving the natural contours of the face.

In addition to their stability and bone-preserving properties, dental implants also offer improved comfort and convenience. Dentures can often cause sore spots and irritation due to their bulkiness and constant movement. Dental implants, on the other hand, feel and function like natural teeth. They are custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly, eliminating any discomfort or irritation. Furthermore, dental implants do not require any special cleaning or maintenance. You can simply brush and floss them as you would your natural teeth.

One of the most significant benefits of dental implants is their long-term success rate. While dentures may need to be replaced or adjusted every few years, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care. This makes them a cost-effective solution in the long run, as you will not have to continually invest in new dentures or repairs.

Finally, dental implants offer a significant improvement in self-confidence and quality of life. Many denture wearers feel self-conscious about their teeth and may avoid social situations or certain foods as a result. Dental implants provide a natural-looking and permanent solution, allowing you to smile, eat, and speak with confidence. You can enjoy your favorite foods without any restrictions and feel proud of your smile once again.

In conclusion, dental implants offer a range of benefits that make them an excellent alternative to dentures. From their stability and durability to their ability to preserve bone health, dental implants provide a long-term solution for missing teeth. They offer improved comfort and convenience, as well as a significant boost in self-confidence. If you are tired of the challenges and limitations of dentures, it may be time to consider dental implants as a replacement option. Consult with your dentist to determine if dental implants are right for you and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident smile.

The Process of Replacing Dentures with Dental Implants

Dentures have long been a popular solution for people with missing teeth. They provide a functional and aesthetic replacement for natural teeth, allowing individuals to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. However, dentures also come with their fair share of challenges. They can be uncomfortable, ill-fitting, and require regular maintenance. If you’re tired of dealing with these issues, you may be wondering if you can replace your dentures with dental implants. The answer is yes, and in this article, we’ll explore the process of making the switch.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what dental implants are. Unlike dentures, which are removable, dental implants are permanent fixtures that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They consist of a titanium post that acts as a replacement for the tooth root, an abutment that connects the post to the replacement tooth, and the prosthetic tooth itself. Dental implants offer a more natural and secure solution for missing teeth, as they are anchored directly into the jawbone.

The process of replacing dentures with dental implants typically involves several steps. The first step is a thorough examination by a dental professional to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. Factors such as the health of your jawbone and gums, as well as any underlying medical conditions, will be taken into consideration. If you are deemed eligible, the next step is the surgical placement of the dental implants.

During the surgery, the dentist will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the jawbone. Then, small holes will be drilled into the bone to accommodate the dental implants. The implants will be carefully inserted into these holes and secured in place. After the surgery, a healing period of several months is necessary to allow the implants to fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration.

Once the implants have fully integrated with the jawbone, the next step is to attach the abutments. These are small connectors that protrude from the gums and serve as the attachment point for the replacement teeth. Impressions of your mouth will be taken to create custom-made prosthetic teeth that will match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth. These replacement teeth will be attached to the abutments, completing the process.

It’s important to note that the process of replacing dentures with dental implants can take several months to complete. This is due to the healing time required for osseointegration and the fabrication of the replacement teeth. However, the end result is well worth the wait. Dental implants provide a permanent and natural-looking solution for missing teeth, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a healthy and beautiful smile.

In conclusion, if you’re tired of dealing with the discomfort and inconvenience of dentures, replacing them with dental implants is a viable option. The process involves a thorough examination, surgical placement of the implants, a healing period, and the attachment of replacement teeth. While it may take several months to complete, the end result is a permanent and natural-looking solution for missing teeth. So, if you’re ready to say goodbye to your dentures, consult with a dental professional to see if dental implants are right for you.

Comparing Dentures and Dental Implants: Pros and Cons

Dentures have long been a popular option for people who have lost their natural teeth. They provide a quick and affordable solution to restore a smile and improve chewing ability. However, in recent years, dental implants have emerged as a more permanent and natural-looking alternative to dentures. If you’re considering replacing your dentures with dental implants, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option.

Let’s start with dentures. One of the biggest advantages of dentures is their affordability. Dentures are generally less expensive than dental implants, making them a more accessible option for many people. Additionally, dentures can be made relatively quickly, allowing patients to restore their smile in a shorter amount of time.

However, dentures also come with their fair share of drawbacks. One of the most common complaints about dentures is that they can be uncomfortable to wear. Ill-fitting dentures can cause sore spots and irritation in the mouth, making it difficult to eat and speak properly. Dentures also require regular maintenance, such as cleaning and soaking, to keep them in good condition. Some people find this extra care to be a hassle.

On the other hand, dental implants offer a more permanent and natural-looking solution to tooth loss. Unlike dentures, which sit on top of the gums, dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth. This means that dental implants look and feel more like natural teeth, allowing for improved chewing ability and speech.

Another advantage of dental implants is their longevity. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a worthwhile investment for many people. Additionally, dental implants do not require any special maintenance beyond regular brushing and flossing, making them a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

However, dental implants do have some downsides. One of the main drawbacks is the cost. Dental implants are generally more expensive than dentures, and they may not be covered by insurance. This can make dental implants a less accessible option for some individuals. Additionally, the process of getting dental implants can be more time-consuming and invasive compared to getting dentures. It typically involves multiple appointments and a healing period after the implant surgery.

In conclusion, both dentures and dental implants have their own set of pros and cons. Dentures are a more affordable and quicker solution, but they can be uncomfortable and require regular maintenance. Dental implants, on the other hand, offer a more permanent and natural-looking option, but they come with a higher price tag and a longer treatment process. Ultimately, the decision to replace your dentures with dental implants will depend on your individual needs and preferences. It’s important to consult with your dentist to determine which option is best for you.

Cost Considerations for Replacing Dentures with Dental Implants

Dental implants have become a popular option for replacing missing teeth, and many people wonder if they can replace their dentures with dental implants. While dental implants offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider the cost implications before making a decision.

One of the main factors to consider when thinking about replacing dentures with dental implants is the cost. Dental implants are generally more expensive than dentures, and the cost can vary depending on several factors. These factors include the number of implants needed, the type of implant used, and the complexity of the procedure.

The cost of dental implants can be broken down into two main components: the surgical placement of the implant and the restoration that goes on top of the implant. The surgical placement involves the insertion of the implant into the jawbone, which requires a skilled oral surgeon. The restoration, on the other hand, involves the creation and placement of the crown or bridge that will be attached to the implant.

In general, the cost of dental implants can range from $3,000 to $5,000 per implant. This cost includes both the surgical placement and the restoration. If multiple implants are needed, the cost can quickly add up. Additionally, some patients may require additional procedures, such as bone grafting or sinus lifts, which can further increase the cost.

It’s also important to consider the long-term cost implications of dental implants. While dentures may need to be replaced every 5-10 years, dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution. This means that once the implants are in place, they should last a lifetime with proper care. While the upfront cost of dental implants may be higher, the long-term cost can be more cost-effective compared to dentures.

Another factor to consider when thinking about replacing dentures with dental implants is insurance coverage. Dental insurance typically covers a portion of the cost of dentures, but coverage for dental implants can vary. Some insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost of dental implants, while others may not cover them at all. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand what is covered and what is not.

If the cost of dental implants is a concern, there are some financing options available. Many dental offices offer payment plans or financing options to help make the cost more manageable. Additionally, some dental schools or teaching hospitals may offer discounted rates for dental implant procedures performed by dental students under the supervision of experienced faculty.

In conclusion, while dental implants offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider the cost implications before deciding to replace dentures with dental implants. The cost of dental implants can be higher than dentures, and it’s important to factor in the surgical placement and restoration costs, as well as any additional procedures that may be needed. It’s also important to check with your insurance provider to understand what is covered. However, despite the higher upfront cost, dental implants can be a more cost-effective long-term solution compared to dentures. If cost is a concern, there are financing options available to help make the cost more manageable. Ultimately, it’s important to consult with your dentist to determine the best option for your specific needs and budget.


1. Can dental implants be used to replace dentures?
Yes, dental implants can be used as a replacement for dentures.

2. Are dental implants a permanent solution for denture wearers?
Yes, dental implants are considered a permanent solution for denture wearers.

3. What are the benefits of replacing dentures with dental implants?
Some benefits of replacing dentures with dental implants include improved stability, better chewing ability, enhanced speech, and a more natural appearance.

4. Is everyone a suitable candidate for dental implant placement?
Not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implant placement. Factors such as overall health, bone density, and oral hygiene play a role in determining candidacy for dental implants.


Yes, it is possible to replace dentures with dental implants. Dental implants provide a more permanent and natural-looking solution for missing teeth, offering improved stability and functionality. However, the suitability of dental implants depends on various factors such as bone density, overall oral health, and individual circumstances. It is recommended to consult with a dental professional to determine if dental implants are a suitable option for replacing dentures.

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