My Dental Implant Feels Loose – What Should I Do?

Reviewed by: Dr. Martha (Periodontist), Dr. Pierre (Prosthodontist)

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Written By Dr. Andrew

Dr. Andrew is a leading dental implant specialist (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon) celebrated for his precision and patient-centric approach. He's a trusted name in advanced dentistry with a track record of successful procedures and a commitment to the latest techniques.

If you have a dental implant that feels loose, it is important to take action promptly. A loose dental implant can be a sign of a potential problem that needs to be addressed by a dental professional. Ignoring the issue or delaying treatment may lead to further complications and potential implant failure. Seeking immediate dental care is crucial to determine the cause of the looseness and to receive appropriate treatment.

Causes of a Loose Dental Implant

Have you recently gotten a dental implant and noticed that it feels loose? Don’t panic just yet. While a loose dental implant can be concerning, there are several possible causes for this issue, and most of them can be easily addressed by your dentist. In this article, we will explore some of the common causes of a loose dental implant and what you should do if you find yourself in this situation.

One possible cause of a loose dental implant is an infection. When an implant becomes infected, it can lead to bone loss around the implant, causing it to feel loose. Infections can occur due to poor oral hygiene or a compromised immune system. If you suspect that your implant is infected, it is crucial to see your dentist as soon as possible. They will be able to diagnose the infection and provide the appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics or a deep cleaning of the implant area.

Another potential cause of a loose dental implant is a failed osseointegration. Osseointegration is the process by which the implant fuses with the surrounding bone, providing stability and support. If this process is not successful, the implant may not integrate properly, leading to a loose feeling. Failed osseointegration can occur due to various factors, such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, or a lack of bone density in the implant area. If your implant has not properly integrated, your dentist may need to remove it and consider alternative treatment options.

Sometimes, a loose dental implant can be attributed to excessive force or trauma. If you have recently experienced a blow to the face or a significant impact in the implant area, it is possible that the implant has been dislodged or damaged. In such cases, it is essential to seek immediate dental attention. Your dentist will evaluate the implant and determine the best course of action, which may involve repositioning or replacing the implant.

In some instances, a loose dental implant may be caused by a mechanical issue. This can occur if the implant components, such as the abutment or crown, become loose or damaged. If this is the case, your dentist will need to examine the implant and make any necessary repairs or replacements. It is crucial not to attempt any DIY fixes or ignore the issue, as this can lead to further complications and potentially jeopardize the success of the implant.

If you are experiencing a loose dental implant, it is essential to contact your dentist as soon as possible. They will be able to evaluate the implant, determine the cause of the looseness, and recommend the appropriate treatment. Remember, early intervention is key to resolving any issues and ensuring the long-term success of your dental implant. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist and address any concerns you may have.

Signs and Symptoms of a Loose Dental Implant

Have you recently had a dental implant placed and now it feels loose? Don’t panic just yet. While a loose dental implant can be concerning, it doesn’t necessarily mean that something is seriously wrong. In this article, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of a loose dental implant and what you should do if you experience this issue.

One of the first signs that your dental implant may be loose is a change in the way it feels when you bite down or chew. You may notice that the implant moves slightly or feels unstable. This can be a cause for concern, as a loose implant can lead to further complications if not addressed promptly.

Another common symptom of a loose dental implant is pain or discomfort around the implant site. You may experience a dull ache or sharp pain when you bite down or apply pressure to the implant. This can make eating and speaking uncomfortable, and it’s important to seek professional help if you experience persistent pain.

In some cases, a loose dental implant may also be accompanied by swelling or inflammation around the implant site. This can be a sign of an infection or other complications, and it’s crucial to have it evaluated by your dentist as soon as possible.

If you suspect that your dental implant is loose, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. They will be able to examine the implant and determine the cause of the looseness. In some cases, the implant may simply need to be tightened or adjusted. However, if there are underlying issues such as bone loss or infection, further treatment may be necessary.

During your dental appointment, your dentist will likely take X-rays to assess the condition of the implant and surrounding bone. This will help them determine the best course of action to address the loose implant. Depending on the severity of the issue, your dentist may recommend a variety of treatments, including bone grafting, implant replacement, or antibiotic therapy.

In the meantime, it’s important to take care of your dental implant to prevent further complications. Avoid chewing on hard or sticky foods that can put excessive pressure on the implant. Stick to a soft diet and practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. If you have a removable implant-supported denture, make sure to clean it thoroughly and follow your dentist’s instructions for care.

In conclusion, if you notice that your dental implant feels loose, it’s important to seek professional help as soon as possible. Signs and symptoms of a loose dental implant include changes in the way it feels when you bite down, pain or discomfort, and swelling or inflammation around the implant site. Your dentist will be able to evaluate the implant and determine the best course of action to address the issue. Remember to take care of your dental implant and follow your dentist’s instructions for care to prevent further complications.

Steps to Take if Your Dental Implant Feels Loose

If you have a dental implant and it feels loose, it can be a cause for concern. Dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution for missing teeth, so it’s natural to worry if something doesn’t feel right. However, there are steps you can take if your dental implant feels loose to address the issue and ensure the long-term success of your implant.

The first step you should take if your dental implant feels loose is to contact your dentist. They are the experts in dental implants and will be able to assess the situation and provide guidance on the best course of action. It’s important not to ignore the issue or try to fix it yourself, as this can potentially cause further damage.

When you contact your dentist, they may ask you to come in for an examination. During the examination, they will evaluate the stability of the implant and determine the cause of the looseness. There are several possible reasons why a dental implant may feel loose, including infection, bone loss, or a loose abutment or crown.

If the cause of the looseness is an infection, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection before taking any further action. In some cases, a minor infection can cause the implant to feel loose, but once the infection is treated, the implant can regain its stability.

If the cause of the looseness is bone loss, your dentist may recommend a bone graft to strengthen the area around the implant. A bone graft involves taking bone from another part of your body or using synthetic bone material to build up the bone around the implant. This procedure can help stabilize the implant and prevent further bone loss.

If the cause of the looseness is a loose abutment or crown, your dentist may be able to tighten or replace the abutment or crown to restore stability to the implant. In some cases, the abutment or crown may need to be completely replaced if it is damaged or worn.

In more severe cases where the implant is no longer stable, your dentist may recommend removing the implant and replacing it with a new one. While this may be a disappointing outcome, it’s important to remember that dental implants have a high success rate, and with proper care, a new implant can provide the same benefits as the original one.

In conclusion, if your dental implant feels loose, it’s important to take action and contact your dentist. They will be able to evaluate the situation and recommend the appropriate steps to address the issue. Whether it’s treating an infection, performing a bone graft, or replacing a loose abutment or crown, your dentist will work with you to ensure the long-term success of your dental implant. Remember, dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution, so it’s worth taking the necessary steps to maintain their stability and functionality.

Treatment Options for a Loose Dental Implant

So, you’ve had a dental implant placed and everything seemed fine at first. But now, you’ve noticed that your implant feels loose. Don’t panic! While this can be a concerning issue, there are several treatment options available to address a loose dental implant.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand why your dental implant may feel loose. There are a few possible reasons for this. One possibility is that the implant itself has become loose and is no longer securely anchored in your jawbone. This can happen if the implant didn’t integrate properly with the surrounding bone or if there was an infection or other complication during the healing process.

Another possibility is that the crown or prosthetic tooth attached to the implant has become loose. This can occur if the cement or adhesive used to secure the crown has worn off or if there is damage to the crown itself. In some cases, the abutment, which connects the implant to the crown, may also become loose.

Now that we’ve identified some potential causes, let’s explore the treatment options for a loose dental implant. The appropriate course of action will depend on the specific cause of the problem.

If the implant itself is loose, your dentist may recommend a procedure called implant re-tightening. This involves removing the crown and abutment, cleaning the implant site, and then reattaching the crown and abutment with new cement or adhesive. In some cases, your dentist may need to use additional measures, such as bone grafting or a new implant, to ensure a secure fit.

If the crown or prosthetic tooth is the issue, your dentist may be able to simply re-cement or reattach it. However, if there is damage to the crown or abutment, a replacement may be necessary. Your dentist will assess the situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment option.

In some cases, a loose dental implant may be a sign of a more serious problem, such as infection or bone loss. If this is the case, your dentist may need to perform additional procedures to address these underlying issues. This could include removing the implant, treating the infection or bone loss, and then placing a new implant once the area has healed.

It’s important to remember that a loose dental implant should not be ignored or left untreated. Not only can it cause discomfort and affect your ability to chew and speak properly, but it can also lead to further complications if left unresolved. That’s why it’s crucial to seek professional dental care as soon as you notice any issues with your implant.

In conclusion, if your dental implant feels loose, there are several treatment options available to address the problem. Whether it’s a loose implant itself, a loose crown or prosthetic tooth, or an underlying issue such as infection or bone loss, your dentist will be able to recommend the most appropriate course of action. Remember, early intervention is key to ensuring the long-term success of your dental implant. So don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist if you have any concerns about the stability of your implant.


1. If your dental implant feels loose, you should contact your dentist immediately.
2. Avoid putting pressure on the implant and refrain from eating hard or sticky foods.
3. Your dentist will examine the implant and determine the cause of the looseness.
4. Depending on the situation, your dentist may recommend tightening the implant or performing additional procedures to secure it.


If your dental implant feels loose, it is important to seek immediate dental attention. A loose dental implant may indicate a potential problem with the implant itself or the surrounding bone and tissues. Ignoring the issue can lead to further complications and potential implant failure. Contact your dentist or oral surgeon to evaluate the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.

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